Fangirls Rock ! - The Mystery Of Life

Fangirls Rock !

August 09, 2015

So I am pretty sure that everyone knows what a fan girl is , but for anyone who doesn't , it means being a huge fan of a certain band or singer or any celebrity but not just being obsessed with their music but everything they do . 

Let me tell you one thing about fan girls , they are loyal as hell , they can stay hours and days trying to vote for their idol or to support them or tell them how much they love them in a tweet . They are so freaking amazing and yes they might be really crazy sometimes but that is what makes them being part of the fandom so fun , the hidden jokes and the worldwide friendships being made . And to be honest , any parents should be grateful that their girls are fans spending their day on Twitter or skyping with an online friend instead of doing drugs and spending their days being drunk and then growing up to be someone they don't even want to be . I just wish they get more than this , like there are a lot of fans who dedicate their lives to their idols and they still don't get the chance to meet them because it's either too expensive or a place far away , I just really wish that one day celebrities can think of a way to make it up to them like a free meeting in every city where fans are living , it would mean the world to them . 
You can't say you have never been a fan you have ! Once in your life at least , so stop making fun of them , it's a phase in our lives that make us happy , it will go away some day so let us just make the best of it . I just do hope that you can go live your life too , yeah don't stop being dedicated if you want too but just remember that you have a life to live as well go live it while being a fan girl . Don't just care about this , one day we will all stand in front of God and we will be asked about what we did , wouldn't you feel guilty if you only have done everything for another human being who is considered a celebrity than to do everything for God who made you himself and gave you everything you have , just don't lose your belief , never , we will all be dead one day to live an immortal life in either heaven or hell so don't spend your one life to do things  that you know are wrong for the sake of having one life , no you are wrong , you have another life where you can do whatever you want without being right or wrong so keep all those things you so desperately want to try for your other life , I am not saying don't make a bucket list with all the things that you want to try , no make a list just not things you know are forbidden , why would you waste your life doing forbidden things so you can make your immortal life full of misery and hell because you will be living in one . This is just my opinion so it is at last your life you make the choices and you regret them so really if you don't want to listen then it's fine I am just trying to be helpful not force my opinion .

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