Pretty Little Liars Rant . - The Mystery Of Life

Pretty Little Liars Rant .

August 25, 2015

Okay so this Tuesday was the big A reveal for us huge fans of the well-known show Pretty Little Liars , now if you are not fan of the show I am not going to tell you that I get it because how the hell are you not ? It is literally so addicting so I do advise you to watch it even though I am quite pissed at the producers but hey , it will pass . 
Anyway for all of you who haven't watched it , don't read , this is some spoiler alerts for you and for those who have , let's go scream and cry in a corner together . 
So we have been watching this show for freaking five years and the most irrelevant people get the most important roles like HOW ? 
First of all ; how is Cece or Charlotte A ? I mean her story was convincing but at the same time there was some confusing points , for instance : How the hell did Toby's mum die when Charles and Bethany were young , which are both older than Alison and then get this ,  Toby's mum was able to see Ali and Toby when they were teenagers like how ? Charles and Bethany are older than Ali and were about fourteen when Toby's mum died , however apparently she was able to be see Ali in her teenage stage , what the hell ? Like the timings do not add up at all . Besides how the hell did Charles get the chance to do all those operations and shit , I mean doesn't that take time , and how the hell did he manage to look like a girl when he was only like sixteen or so like I DON'T GET IT ! 
Second ; we only knew Sara for like a few episodes this season and that freaking bitch gets to be red coat and black widow , like who said anyone cared about you mate ? Besides why was she trapped in that doll house with the girls and why would she spend her time torturing them when she doesn't even know them personally .
What about Mona though ? like what happened to her , she was the only one to listen to the whole story , where did she go when Cece was about to jump ?
Everything is just so confusing , I expected it to be a great episode , I even made snacks , wore a black hoodie and I had like a count down for the episode , I was so disappointed and I just expected to have a more exciting , more shocking story . The time jump was really short , but at least they looked good !
I don't know if I have mentioned this and if I did , I am going to say it again , the best part was Emily slapping that Sarah girl , it was the highlight of the whole episode , better than the reveal .
So this was a little rant that needed to be said so to those who like this show , tell me if you feel as betrayed as I am feeling and tell me about all your theories .
Until then , goodbye lovelies xx.

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