Full of themselves... - The Mystery Of Life

Full of themselves...

August 03, 2015

Why do people think it is okay to act like you are better than anyone else ?

Like no , you are just like us , a human being who breaths and talks and walks too so why are you being a bitch for no reason ? 
It is weird to think that we were born to make the world a peaceful place yet we fail in this one mission we were given . It is such a shame that people think that just because they have enough money or good looks that it makes them more qualified for something more than you . Ah news flash love , if you don't have brains , you are literally like a Chanel bag , everyone looks at it in awe but no one dares to buy it because it's too expensive to deal with ! So stop trying to make a joke of yourself , it's 2015 , Grow up ! 
I have had my fair share of friends who look at you from top to bottom trying to find something wrong with you . These people disgust me , like I am talking to you and I am excited about what I am telling you about and you are looking at me like I am a fangirl who is screaming for your autograph like nah , fangirls are even treated better than that . Just like I respect you , you have to respect me . Just remember that no matter what you have in life , it won't get you anywhere with that personality of yours . 

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