Judgmental People - The Mystery Of Life

Judgmental People

August 03, 2015

How to deal with Judgmental people ?

It's a question we all want to know the answer to , but we never know what that answer is . You see , these kinds of stuff depend on who are those people who are judging you , are they your parents ? Friends ? Complete Strangers ?

Having parents who judge you can be a curse and a blessing because they sometimes can judge you based on what you're doing,for example; if you are out partying till midnight and with a group of people you know are not the best kind and you come home to your parents telling you that you are ruining yourself and that those people who you were out with will affect you and lead you to the wrong path . Now here you can definitely shut up and listen to every word they are saying without trying to defend yourself when you know that they are right and that they are only worried about who you are becoming . How do you know they are right ? When you sit alone with yourself for about an hour and just look back to what you have been doing for the past few weeks or whatever , do you feel that you have changed , that you really are going in the path you know won't end well , if you admit that to yourself you will realize that they are right . Now it's hard to admit that you are wrong to someone comparing to admitting it to yourself so if you don't feel confident enough to admit it then don't , no one is forcing you to admit anything , they only want you to change and once you change yourself to the better version of yourself that you like and everyone can agree that you are doing well with your life , they won't be judging anything you're doing because they know you are a good kid and that there is a meaning behind what you're doing . If you are in this situation then just have a moment with yourself and you will get yourself back , don't lose yourself in the darkness of the world just to try to get over something that happened in your life or even get over someone , it is not the way to do that , just pick yourself up , don't wait on someone to do that .

Now having parents who are judging on the wrong things such as your weight , your style or anything else , then that is just plain stupidity to be honest , sorry parents but no . You like wearing all black , so do so , it is not going to change anything if you wear the style you like , it is fine . If you are confident with your body and how you look , then to hell those people who judge you based on how many calories you have eaten , well sorry people who only eat a pea for lunch but we have got a chicken breast to eat , want to join ?
I understand how it feels like to have parents that want you to lose weight or to even gain weight , I get it . Sometimes they are right if that intrudes with your health and your comfort zone . I am all for having whatever body you have but If you are not comfortable with that body and you want to change it then do it for the sake of your pleasure not anyone else's . My parents want me to lose weight , and they are right , I should lose weight because to be honest I hate parts of my body , but the way they ask me to lose weight is maybe what is preventing me from losing it . I don't want them to tell me you shouldn't have eaten that , don't eat that , you need a medium or a large one , and especially not in front of everyone , I want them to tell me that I can do this , that I can lose weight , that it is fine , that everyone went through a stage of their life where they hated their body , I want them to encourage me in the right way , not that one . So if your parents are being judgmental in the right way or the wrong one , sometimes they are helping you but sometimes they are hurting your feelings and when they do that , you can either tell them in a civilized way or go on with them just because they are your parents and as long as you can shut them out and complete what you're doing to have the body you want to have then no matter what they say , won't have any effect on you . You just got to have control over yourself , they are still your parents , they want what's best for you , they don't express it in the greatest way but you have got to understand them and do what's best for you .
If you have judgmental friends then I am either congratulating you or I petty you . Friends can have control over you and how you feel towards yourself . Some friends judge you behind your back , if you have those friends , then straight up just drop them harder than you drop your phone , because honey they are not your true friends at all . If they start a serious conversation with you and talk to you alone and try to tell you something that can help you , that is like just their way of telling you we are worried about you , then that is not judging you , that is just trying to be a friend that tells you when something is wrong with you , that tells you when you are not acting like who you really are , they don't judge you , they always support you no matter what ,they know you better than anyone to have this conversation with you and you should trust that they won't leave you in your hardest times .
Strangers judging you ? Oh Please , who cares about them , they don't even know you so why would you care what they think about you ? Those people have nothing to do other than look over anyone in the street and judge them for anything they are doing . And I am not going to lie , we all have to judge someone , don't say I don't judge , you do , but it is fine as long as you don't hurt that person , we all have different opinions that's why we judge , we are not all raised the same way and it is fine , not everyone is going to agree on everything that you support or agree on , it is fine to have opinions , just accept everyone's opinion as long as they have a reason behind it , don't just shove your opinion down their throats , we are all humans and we have different minds that think in a weird way so don't come to me and tell me that you are deluded for saying that or how stupid are you just keep your comments to yourself because your comments won't change anything . And yes sometimes I read people's tweets on twitter and think that what the hell , that is stupid , no why do they say these things but I keep them to myself , I do say what I think because it's a free world you can say what you want but I don't tell that to them because that is just going to create drama not change what they think .

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