January 01, 2019never felt pretty enough ...
never felt smart enough ...
never felt skinny enough ...
never felt strong enough ...
never felt adventurous enough ...
never felt funny enough ...
never felt successful enough ...
never felt loved enough ...
never felt good enough ...
Confidence is a tiring thing to achieve and own but it's not impossible .To this day , I still don't feel as confident as I would want to and it's heartbreaking to feel that way every time you dress up to go out , every time you take a picture , every time you face yourself in the mirror . It's like I try to please everyone but me and as if I'm choosing to give love to everyone around me except for myself. Loving myself , every part of it , is the hardest battle I will ever fight but I guess it's about time I fight it . I might never gain the amount of confidence other people have but at least I will be confident enough ... Enough to be happy and in love with myself and that's what 2019 should be about.
P.S:WE'RE IN 2019 ! It feels like yesterday it was 2012 or something , time flies when you don't know what to do with your life but hey I guess we have this year to find out what to do :)