Do What You Love ... - The Mystery Of Life

Do What You Love ...

October 30, 2015

What do we want in life ? Why do we work so hard to achieve something that might just give us the money to live just not the pleasure to experience ? We study different information every day , yet not all of us are interested in them . Some find that biology is outstanding , some find it pretty boring . Some would kill to know about the Roman culture , some would tell them why would we want to know about things that were long gone. Everything is completely different because everyone has their own interests , their own talents and passions , however , all of them are somehow gathered together to study the same subjects for 12 years . How is that working out for us ? The thing is that if only we would get a job for our hidden talent rather than our skills at math or physics . Why don't we choose what we want to study ? After all it is our future , we can do whatever we please . Why do we have exams that determine who we are and if we deserve the right to get a degree or not ? I mean it is like we are forcing our generation to memorize every inch of a book that a few months later , they won't even remember a word of it , they stay up late , they even try to cheat or take tutoring classes just so they can pass a test . What if a smart kid was absolutely nervous whilst he was taking the test and he , didn't get the chance to pass with an A because of all the pressure on him yet another kid that memorized everything got the A+ . So we lost the opportunity to discover what that intelligent kid could've done for the world and we were the reason behind it .
So no , an exam won't define if you are a smart one or not , no , it certainly won't , no one knows what goes through the students' minds during exams . They are thinking about a lot of things , fearing a lot of things as well , and we limit their thinking time and give them a long paper with 10 pages to finish , do  we really think that they are developing with this ? No , they are falling freaking apart . They should be able to have a free time to just think and discover the unexpected , how do you think Albert Einstein found out about gravity ? Because he had an unlimited amount of time to experiment , he was given the chance to feed his curiosity . We can have a generation full of bright minds if we give them the chance to shine , to stop hiding what they have . To do what they want to do , either way they have an effect on people . But people talk , if you drop out of college to become a writer , a painter , you are all over the neighborhood known as the dropout who is going to stay alone forever , fighting to find a decent job , WHY DO WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES ? Why do we think we have the right to tell others what to do ? You do whatever you want to do as long as it doesn't go against your rights and beliefs , you are responsible for what you do , you have a mind , use it to know right from wrong ,we might try to advise but dude on judgment day , you will be punished for what you chose to do , not us , so we don't have the right to force you to do something , we advise and that's it so you are maybe doing something wrong or maybe right , either way you will get asked for the reason why when this life ends and humanity is gone and when that time comes , you will realize that doing the right thing even if no one is doing is better than doing the wrong thing because everyone is doing it . So trust yourself and do the thing you love , you only have one life , it's a shame to waste it on something you hate .       

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