Are you a cat or a dog lover ? - The Mystery Of Life

Are you a cat or a dog lover ?

October 25, 2015

I feel like every freaking adult that wants to have a pet , they either choose a cat or a dog unless you're Justin Bieber and you stole a monkey then you obviously have a limited amount of pets to choose from .

But I guess what I am trying to say is that what you choose is based on your personality . For instance , a cat lover intends to be such a calm , relaxed and very care-free person . They just like to chill out , have a little cuddle with their lovely cat , they even get her/him little toys to play with . Cats are sweet and soft animals so they need someone as lovely as them to be in charge of them .

Personally , I adore cats . They are just so cute like can you even imagine sitting on the sofa with your cat watching Garfield

That would be the perfect night for me if I am being perfectly honest .

Now , on the other very opposite side of this , is the dog . I feel like dogs are for people who have the power to go running or have some crazy adventures . Dogs are bound for active people . Women and men both have different types of dogs .

Women tend to choose quiet fluffy dogs whilst men choose those big scary dogs that usually run after me in the streets . I have bad luck , I know .

I don't like dogs , I just I don't know , I never liked them and I feel like it would be a shock to a lot of people when they find that about me but dude I have been chased down by dogs my entire life , they are as scary as needles are to me , and I am hoping to become a doctor , how will that work out for me ? I don't know .

Anyways , bottom line is that you choose what makes you comfortable and goes well with who you are , I mean I am not saying that all people who like cats are calm or all ones that like dogs are active , just the majority that's all .

I don't have a pet but I would love to have one . I feel like having a pet changes your mood when you're feeling down , they cheer you up . They never let you feel like you're alone .

So if you could get one , get it as fast as you can . Hopefully you won't regret it and blame it on me . And now that you have read all of this ...

Are you a cat or a dog lover ? ...

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