Fix A broken Vase ... - The Mystery Of Life

Fix A broken Vase ...

October 20, 2015

A friendship , a relationship , a marriage and basically any connection that we , humans , have with each other , it has its own rules . Rules that we don't even know about , we are not told about , we just discover it along the way .
Like the fact that you have to remember a special occasion or date that is pretty important to the other person , no matter who that person is to you .

Also , just being there for someone when they need you . If you prefer them over stupid silly meaningless things .

No one teaches you how to show someone you care . You , yourself , act without noticing .

You do these lovely amazing actions for a person out of just wanting to see their smiles . You basically act with your heart so you unconditionally care .

But , what happens when you have a fall out with someone ? What do you do when you loose the person you once cared so much about ? What do you do ?

Well , you move on , you get to know yourself because maybe they were the reason you never knew who you are . Maybe they were behind the fact that you felt as if you are more of a follower than a person with his/hers own thoughts and feelings or maybe they made you better , maybe they found the good in you that everyone seems to be blinded to .

But how do we survive this ? How do we see them everyday in school or even if we catch them surprisingly in some place we never expected to see them at ?

We simply either ignore them or just accept the situation and wave at them .

If you have mutual friends with that person , oh god , it's even worse for your friends than for you , they will always feel like they need to choose .

 Especially if it was a relationship and add to that the awkward reruns whilst you are with one of their friends , trust me , don't do that , unless you casted in 90210 , then no .

The thing about mutual friends is that sometimes they try to intrude and help mend what was broken , maybe if it was a small simple fight , they will be able to get everything back on track .

But if it was a serious one , one that affected you deeply , then no one will ever be able to help you get over it and make amends with the person that was the reason for you scars or as Taylor Swift would like to sing 'Still got scars on my back from your knives ' .

Why you will never get over it ?

because once you break a vase no matter how many times you try and pick up the pieces and put them back together , it will never look the same , there will always be this small part of you that still haven't healed .

So don't try to fix something you know that it's already over for good .

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