Controlling People ? .... - The Mystery Of Life

Controlling People ? ....

October 23, 2017

All through out life we go through certain situations that we just try to pass by and move on from without causing a scene or a certain problem but sometimes things just get way out of hand and there is only so much we could take from people . 

I don't get upset over the fact that my friends are being moody or cold to me when they are sad or angry about a specific thing because to be honest , as a friend I should be able to be there at their best and at their worst too , so when I know that my friends are only acting this way because of that , I let them blur it out on me. 

Yes , it may sound wrong and a lot of people are going to be like what the hell , you are only making your friends get used to the fact that they can shout or treat you coldly whenever you know , and I am here to tell you that if they are really my friends , my true friends , they wouldn't use me this way . They would apologize or talk normally or try to explain what they went through or what happened that led to them acting this way . 

But that is not my topic , my topic is why people , friends or not , think it is okay to treat you this way all the time ? And fight you when you tell them to stop acting this way for no apparent reason or just literally a useless silly one . 

I can't tolerate people like that , I thought I could but I am a human being and I can explode and It is not going to be pretty . 

Especially when it gets to the point of them interfering with your own opinions because it doesn't match theirs . I just don't understand why can't we all just accept each other's own point of views ? Is that so hard to do ? 

I think the worst thing ever is that sometimes or most of the times people just think it is okay if they do a certain action to you ( even though it is not okay but you still are a good person so you shut the subject down ) and then when you do it back to them , it is as if you killed their mother or attempted a murder ... 

Ummm ... That is not the way things work . 

If I can handle your bullshit acts , you should handle mine . 

I describe this as selfishness and trying to always get the upper hand in anything and everything . 

If they are acting this way , is this really a friendship ? 

I am sorry but I am not about to be a follower to someone , acting a certain way and thinking about every single word I say just so other people don't get upset or get sensitive about it . 

I just don't like people thinking that they could walk over me like I am stupid and can't stand up to them . I have been weak for so long , always thinking that being nice is better than starting a fight with someone . 

But I was kinda half-wrong , I should be nice , yeah , but not to the point where I let anyone walk over my dignity just because they think I am going to be nice and not do anything about it . 

Bottom line is , I am done letting people's behaviors and what they do control my personality or my behaviors . I will do whatever I want whenever I want and I don't care if the whole world isn't doing it , I will do it if I want to because no one has a control over me and no one should . 

When you're in university , sometimes the type of people that you hang out with can affect you a lot so make sure you don't let them shadow you , the real you .

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