A Tragedy ( a poem ) - The Mystery Of Life

A Tragedy ( a poem )

August 29, 2018

The Sun shines up after an eternity of darkness ... 
And here she comes with brightness ... 
Filled with happiness and madness ...
She would dance in the rain if she could ...
She can't be tamed even if she should ...
She shined with love and joy like no one ever could ...
But rocks are thrown at things that shine ...
Hit her hard till she couldn't hide ...
Nightmare after the other ,...
If she could give up sleep ,she wouldn't mind ...
Closes her eyes and all she sees ...
Funerals , Coffins , tears hunted her down day to night ...
What would she have done ? .... Oh .. What would she have done ? ....
If the heart of the man who raised her lost it's strength ...
Would she go crazy or would she go numb ? ...
Showers of her tears fall down every night ... 
And she can't dance in the rain no more ... she can't ...
Fearful and scared is what she's become ....
She can't help it .... Oh ... she can't ...
Stronger she's become but fragile she still is ...
Broken laughs , fake smiles ...
Oh baby ... What a tragedy it would've been ...
In a glimpse of an eye , ....
To lose He who taught her to shine ...

Was a hard time in my life when I found out that my dad had a heart attack while I was in university , it's a pretty scary thing and also eye-opening to what really matters and what really doesn't , we all go through hard times and that was one of the hardest because your self start playing with your head and emotions and you keep wondering what if ? This poem is representation of that time in my life .
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