Senior Year . - The Mystery Of Life

Senior Year .

September 13, 2015

Senior year is supposed to be the year you study so hard in because it is simply the year that determines your future .
It is hard sometimes because you are always under pressure from two sides . One ; your family , each member from your family want you to take a different major and you have a completely opposite idea of what they all want and yes they will try to convince you and all that but guess what ? It is your future , you decide , you look around and search , and find the best thing that suits you because you either have a job you like or you don't .
Second ; your teachers , it is like every teacher forgets that there are other subjects in the day that we get assignments for and that we have to study for . like how would I even find the time to do all that ? Look , teachers no matter what you say and complain won't change their minds if you have a homework , then you have to do it , no excuses . So it is up to you what to do which is to manage your time .
I know you are snorting at the screen right now because you know you will never do that . Well to be able to manage your time you have to set seventy thousand alarms on your phone , and tell any of your relatives to pour water over your head . you will wake up early in the afternoon after school and have extra time than what you would've gotten if you had a sleep in till 7 pm . Speaking of sleeping , sleep less , because you will wake up feeling so energetic , trust me I have tried it .
A second option is you and your friends can share homework and help each other but that doesn't mean not understanding anything the homework says and leaving it to your friend to deal with it , how are you supposed to graduate this way ?
Study everything you take today in the same day so you will be able to memorize information and not have a hard time studying during exams .
Next advice to senior year is that stop being quiet and stand up for yourself ! Talk back when someone insults you , just say what the hell you want to say ! You are going to graduate so you will already not see them again in your life unless you go to the high school reunion which I advice you not to if your class consists of fake bitches , we don't need those .
Oh and you will have different friends this year than the years before and don't say ' No I will never leave my friends ' bla bla . I said the exact same thing and let me tell you I don't even say hi to my old friends but to be honest I broke my friendship with them because I wasn't being respected by them , it is like I was a game to them , whenever they need me they talk to me , I wasn't their friend , I was their service , waitress . They don't talk to me or say hi to me even though I would say hi if they did just because I am a nice person and when I ended the friendship , I ended it on good terms . Well , I thought I did . Hey , I should've known , I mean Drake kind of warned me .
" Fuck a fake friend , where your real friends at ? "
I only have one true friend Drake , don't multiply them please .
The last thing is to just have fun , these are the moments you will come back to when your kids ask you about your high school time . Don't be the kid studying all the damn time and not having the time of his/her life .
No , have some balance . It is your last year as a teenager and you are off to adulthood . Make the best of it and smash it .

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