Defend Yourself . - The Mystery Of Life

Defend Yourself .

September 25, 2015

Have you always been so nice to everyone ? It is like you try to be mean but you can't , it is not in your nature , you instantly feel guilty about what you did , you can't , you just care too much and feel too much , feel sorry for people so damn much .
In other ways , which I call myself that , is that I am stupid .
Yup , you have read right , my friend . We are great people for being nice to everyone but we are stupid because we forget about what really matters which is ourselves . Why do we let people scream at us , yell at us , make us feel like nothing when we are only trying to be there for them . You try so hard to be there to pick them up when they fall but it's like no matter what you do to make them happy , they will always break you with words when they're angry , they will always hurt you , but most importantly ... They will never be there for you .
I have experienced this a lot of times , I have given up a lot of things for people I thought loved me but only wanted something from me and to be honest I am done being nice to people who don't deserve it .
I have my dignity and I will never allow anyone to step on my pride ever again , I have had enough with people thinking it's okay to be ungrateful , to be an arse . No , this is not okay . Every Human being should never do that , they should change themselves to the better , to stop hurting people , there is no benefit from it .
How can you hurt the only person that has ever been there for you ? no matter if you're upset , apologize , it won't make you look any less , just stop living like the shallow human that the society is making us become and start living like the real human being with emotions and care in his/her personality just like humanity was in the olden days .
Oh how we all wish to go back to the times when all everyone lived for was making each other happy and have them live in peace , not forgetting about those who care about them.
We need A change , This society needs a make over .

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