Real Friends - The Mystery Of Life

Real Friends

October 12, 2015

Have you ever questioned yourself if there are actually people in your life that you can call a real friend ?
I know I have , quite a lot to be honest . I mean you can't blame me , I don't know what people are thinking , so what if I think that they are real friends and that I can trust them with my life when in fact , they are just using me or hiding their true personality from me . How do we differentiate between the real and the fake ?
I didn't use to know how , until I have experienced both sides . Like every teenager , we all have a group of our own , you hang out together , you have your own lunch table , everyone knows that you are ' a squad ' as the internet likes to call it .
And every member will feel close to another , sometimes closer to who we trust more than the other ones in the gang . The thing is that we do have fun with them and make the best of memories , we overcome their flaws because they are our best friends , we think about their safety , their happiness and just about their comfort . And we don't ask for anything in return . They don't give us the care we need , and maybe we don't notice that because we are too blinded by the happiness we think they are the reason behind .
But that is our fault , we give them too much attention that they turn into ignorant unfaithful friends .
They could have made us laugh and smile and all that and yes maybe they were there when life was falling apart and we should cherish those moments but if they weren't respectful of you , if they made comments that they know it affects you emotionally , if they made you feel bad about yourself , then all that act about them being there for you is nothing when they keep bringing you down . They are not worth it .
Don't trust too fast , don't get attached to them , choose your friends wisely , you don't need a group of friends that changes personalities based on who they hang out with , you don't need these people in your life , you need people who treat you just as good as you treat them and even better . 
You probably won't realize that your group of friends is shitty until you meet another group that makes you think ' Why the hell my friends don't treat me like that ? ' .
if you come to a point where you find yourself comparing your old friends with your new ones , comparing how different the care is , then you know you have been with the wrong crowd for a while now .
But don't worry every one , some day , not now , not tomorrow , but some day you are going to meet a person who you want the best for , who you wish the happiness you wish for yourself , who you consider more as a sibling than a best friend . 
Maybe it is going to take so long to find them , but maybe you already did .
And if you actually did , then don't let them go .
Rather have one friend than a million fake ones .

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