The Kid With The Red T-Shirt - The Mystery Of Life

The Kid With The Red T-Shirt

October 20, 2015

One Shot Story
" Mami , where are we going ? " He asked his sleep deprived mother that mourning while she was packing their bags .
" A far away place , honey . " She told him while she checked for all the necessities that were needed .
" But I thought that this is our home and that we never leave it behind . " The little kid said , confused by his mother's words .
He was afraid that their country will get upset because they are leaving her all alone .
" Yes , sweety . But , sometimes you have to let go of your home in able to survive . "
Tears clouded his eye sight as he cried out " Shouldn't we protect her from the evil men ? Wouldn't she get hurt if we leave ? Her trees will be cut , her houses will be burned , her family will be killed . She will be on her own , we would go and then come back to find her dead . "
" No , we aren't leaving her forever , we are building ourselves up so we can save and protect her later on . But don't worry , honey , she will make it through this . She is strong . She always has been . Besides , you will get to have new games and toys over there in our new home . " His mum said smiling down at him .
But , he didn't want toys , he wanted to stay . He wanted to wake up every mourning and look over his window to find the sun rising over the beautiful mountains . He wanted to go play with his friends in the woods but even he  doesn't know where his friends went . Last time he saw them they were asleep on the side of the road and he covered them up with his blanket so they won't get sick , not knowing that it was already too late for them .
His family take off and their journey begins when they get to the seaside where a couple of boats are waiting for them .
' We are going to go on water , we will see some fish , yay ! ' was what the kid thought would happen .
Hours of waiting until they finally moved their way in the deep blue sea .
Everything was fine , he was happy , trying to imagine what is this new place his mum keeps telling him about . His brothers keep telling him that they will have the best time there and that made him more curious to know this place .
A wave moved the boat a little , no one took notice .
Seconds later , a bigger wave came by and people were starting to panic . Some were crying , some were praying that they stay safe .

It reminded him of back home when tall men with masks covering their faces place a bubbles gun ( that was what his mum told him it was called ) on the back of people's heads .

His mum told him it was a game they were playing but the screams didn't quite let him believe that it was just a game .

His mum held him close to her chest , she looked him straight in the eye and said " I want you to remember that whatever happens , don't be afraid , don't cry , don't scream . You will be in a better place both ways . A place where all your dreams can come true . You will be happy . "
A wave bigger than all the others shocked the boat and led to the boat sinking in the cold blue water .
He was cold . He didn't have his jacket to keep him warm .
He looked over to see his brother in the water trying to get to the surface . They tried helping him but there was no use .
The life vest only fit him and his mum . His mum kept trying , never letting go of his brother but his brother let go .
But not before whispering something in his brother's ear .
" Freedom . Die for your freedom , little brother . "
He didn't have time to understand his words as he was soon separated from his mum , his life vest slowly starting to slip away as it wasn't tightened as the waves crash by him as he coughs nonstop .
He was wondering where he was ? What happened to his family ? They told him they will be all together in a better place but he can't seem to spot that place .
Hours go by as his lips starts to tremble , his face turning white and looking pale .

White smoke comes out of his mouth every time he breathes , he starts to shiver looking around for anything but finding himself lost in the middle of no where .
His eyelids start to close .
" I am just going to have a little nap . " He said to himself .
A nap he never woke up from .
Days after , his body was laying on the beach next to all the others , his father , the only survivor , was hugging him tightly , not letting him go , screaming for his kid to wake up .
" I know you are just asleep but come on it's time to wake up . Wake up and I will bring you that teddy bear you have always wanted . Please wake up . My only hope . Don't leave me too . "
He could hear his dad , he could see him from the sky .
He wanted to hug him so badly but he couldn't .
He was absent body and soul .
" Freedom " was the last word he whispered from above as he disappears .
He is after all in a better place now . A place better than the reality we are living in .
He was never forgotten though . Everyone knew him .
After all , who will forget the boy with the red T-shirt that was in love with a girl named Syria ?
Who would ever be able to forget what happened to him when he was fighting for his last breath , wishing for a new start that never started .
He was a hero like he always said he wanted to be .
He was a brave little kid who didn't get the chance to experience life , he didn't even have the opportunity to grow up .
You will always be missed , little boy .
Love ,
From all of us out there in the world who could've helped you but
didn't even bother to try .

This is a story that is inspired of the little kid who was travelling from Syria to Germany by sea , and was found dead on the shore . I just wanted to give people a shot of reality as we rarely care about what's happening in the world and what's better way to do that than write a story about it . Please remember Syrians in your prayers , they have been dealing with a lot of issues , they need you , so don't hesitate to help , we can't lose anymore souls in this world . I have the story written on wattpad on my account : lmussab98 so you can go over there and vote for it , Thank you for reading xx.

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