It's A New Year's Kinda Post . - The Mystery Of Life

It's A New Year's Kinda Post .

January 03, 2016

" New Year . New Me . "
Here's the thing , this little quote or whatever you like to call it is basically how we've been all trying to start every year with .

' oh this year I would go to the gym more and I would eat healthy , omg I will participate in class more ' and much more than that , yes we say this to each other every year even though we probably won't change and we would legit not do any of these .

But here's what we should actually do . Don't change yourself because you made mistakes before , don't tell yourself that you have to stop doing that or stop hanging out with that . You can't control your self because you have got a heart and a brain and you can't control these too together .

You made mistakes this year and you are not proud of them but they have definitely taught you a lesson , somehow they changes something in you and without even trying or knowing you already changed and grew up from it .

That's the thing about life , you change based on what you've gone through .

I am not saying that you shouldn't try and be a better person if you think that you need to change but at the same time don't go planning everything out and forbidden yourself from things just because it's a new year and you want to be a new person .

No , everybody has their flaws and if people can't accept that then screw them , you don't need them in your life .

I know that this year wasn't easy on most of us , you may have lost yourself a couple of times and even sometimes you may have forgotten who you really are to the point where you don't know why are you still here or what are you even doing , I know that .

But guess what ? it is totally okay to lose yourself . You wouldn't be human if you didn't .

Just give yourself some time and trust me you will find yourself somehow along the way .

So yeah we didn't enjoy the most of this year but that doesn't mean that we should change .

New Year . Same Me .

Just with more achievements , less crying over the wrong people , more caring about my future than the guy who didn't bother to text me back and most importantly with the same fucking attitude that people find it annoying about me because you know what , you aren't living to impress them , you don't even care about them .

You should only care about God , your creator and yourself .

So here's to a year that I am sure will be the greatest and no matter if you are dreaming of going to a One Direction concert even though they are having a break or even wanting to bungee jump , you can do it as long as you believe in yourself .

Make the best of this year and live everyday like it's your last day on earth .

P.s ; If any of you is graduating in 2016 , please slap the bitch in your class that always annoys you and if she asks why tell her a stranger told me too because you are fake as fuck , hey you better do it now before it's too late , you are already never going to see her again so might as well teach her a lesson .

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