A Dusty Man { A poem } - The Mystery Of Life

A Dusty Man { A poem }

August 18, 2017

        Alone in the world you may think you are 

        With the weight you think you can only carry  

        As they tell you day by day 

       Why is your kindness always masked with your fury ? 

         Your resentment can cost you , oh so much  

        But if only , you think about it enough 

        As of your pessimistic views of what the future holds  

          You keep pushing yourself down underground 

         You keep dragging them down with you 

         Depriving them from the light they once had  

            How can you be so self-centered ? 

          Yet , so not ...

         Change is all they are asking you for 

           But you condemn even thinking it through   

         So how could you possibly ask for forgiveness  

         When you never gave it to anyone  

        But you ... 

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