Another poem ? - The Mystery Of Life

Another poem ?

September 01, 2018


A place she doesn't want to be ...
People she doesn't want to see ...
A body with no soul she's left to be ...
She mourns her life , her happiness back ... 
She misses everything she ever once had ... 
" Why me ? Why me ? " ... 
She wonders every night ...
But oh my friend I wish I knew the answer to that ...
She thinks it's all what she deserves ... 
And oh how wrong she can be ... 
She can't see her greatness , her worth , her strength ... 
She can't see herself the way she's seen ... 
What a shame ... Oh mate .... What a shame ... 
To not see the woman you've became ... 
She's strangled with demoned thoughts ...
And no one's left to save her poor soul ...
She thinks she's all alone but really she's not at all ... 
I might be a hundred miles away but I am there in spirit ... 
Memories of laughs and cries , ...
Growing up sister by choice , not related by blood ... 
And you'd still think that I could ever give you up ? 
Hey everyone I am back with another poem !!! So this is about my best friend who has been going through a lot and still going strong and I just wanted to show her some appreciation ! Do you ever feel that way too ? I know I once did and now she is , I will actually explain all that in another blog post coming soon ! meanwhile enjoy this and tell me what you think ! and follow me on instagram for updates and twitter it's all listed on the right ! 
Love always ,
Lujain xx.

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